Best Valentine’s Present–Ever!

Posted at Feb 9, 2015 1:01 am

ValentineHopGraphic  I’m next up on the Romantic Reads Hop!  Thanks for stopping by.

Grab a cup of tea, or if it’s after five, a glass of Prosecco.  I want to tell you about my favorite Valentine’s Day present.  I got to deliver the news, but my hubby and I really gifted it to each other.

My hubby and I don’t do too much celebrating for Valentine’s Day.  Most years we share cards and sometimes candy.  (How much candy we share depends on how much weight we gained during the holiday season.)

But there is one year’s memory I cherish.

We had planned to go to my favorite Chinese restaurant.  I was a little worried about eating out because I hadn’t been feeling well, nauseous in the morning and just not a lot of energy.

In secret I took a pregnancy test.  Yes you guessed it.  Pregnant.

Pregnancy Test  Pregnant.  Eeek.  Our first-born was only eleven months old at that point.  I was on birth control.  (I think I had missed one pill and been on antibiotics.  I don’t think they said anything back then about birth control not being effective.)

I told the firstborn.  Of course he wasn’t saying much at that age, so I knew he wouldn’t spill the beans.  I held the news back until our Valentine’s Day dinner date.  Then I made an IOU:

On or about September 15th – I owe you one Daughter or Son.

I thought it was clever.

When I presented it to him at dinner—hubby didn’t get it.  Maybe it was the shock of having another child so close together.  The waiter came by—and he got it!

Eventually my hubby understood we were pregnant and was fanatically happy.   1779183_730903940282581_1419423596_n[1]

We did have a beautiful daughter.  Here she is as Snow White for Stavna Ballet last year.

I think it was one of my best Valentine’s gifts ever.

What was the most memorable or favorite Valentine’s gift in your life?

One commenter could win a $10 gift certificate to either Amazon or Barnes & Noble–your choice.  If you stop over at my Facebook Page and Like me — you’ll also be entered in both Giveaways.

And don’t forget, you will be entered in the Grand Prize to be awarded around Valentine’s Day!  If you stop at all the hops–you’ll get more chances to win!

Here’s the full Schedule.

Don’t forget to tell me your favorite or most memorable Valentine’s Day gift!  Either given or received.



45 responses to “Best Valentine’s Present–Ever!”

  1. Maureen says:

    That is a wonderful story. My favorite Valentine’s Day was the one where we went shopping for our wedding rings.

  2. Angi Morgan says:

    Such a beautiful, memorable story. (psst: I think you were very clever.)

  3. I can’t remember if it was for Valentine’s or my birthday or Christmas – but the best gift my husband ever gave me was a strand of baroque pearls. We were young with two young children and didn’t have extra $$ for frivolous things like jewelry. To this day, they are my most-cherished possession.

  4. Oh, I love it! Your “present” is now a beautiful young woman, Nan! Great story!

  5. Love your story! I really like flowers for Valentine’s Day, or anytime, really. One year we created personalized certificate books for each other…like “good for one moonlight walk in the moonlight.” It was a lot of fun and lasted far beyond the holiday.

    • Nan Dixon says:

      Thanks for stopping, Laurie! I love coupon books. And walks in the moonlight–swoon! (Unless mosquitos are out – which summers in Minnesota always involve those nasty things.)

  6. Nan,
    That’s too cute! I have a very similar story, but mine was for Mother’s Day. 🙂 My husband, who isn’t the most hearts-and-flowers kind of guy said he bought me flowers. I didn’t see any. Later, after the four kids were in bed, he gave me the Reeds Jewelers bag, which contained four separate Swarovski crystal flowers–two pink, two yellow for the the two girls and two boys. I thanked him the manner we both deemed appropriate. Two weeks later, I told him I was going to need another flower. haha.

  7. Great gift, Nan! I’ve surprised my husband over the years, but it’s the gifts to the kids every year that stand out. I do a Valentine’s Day treasure hunt for them. They get five clues they need to decode to find five small gifts. They love it.

  8. Virginia H says:

    I guess my favorite gift was a mother’s ring with my husbands, son and my birthstone in it.

  9. AE Jones says:

    Nan – Great story! I would have loved to see the look on your husband’s face when he finally ‘got it’.

  10. bn100 says:

    lot of chocolate

  11. Marnee Blake says:

    I love this story, Nan!! 🙂 What a great gift.

  12. Carrie Padgett says:

    What a sweet story, Nan! Every so often I have to send my hubby to a remedial gift-giving course. Any gift he gives for the next occasion is awesome! I got a fabulous anniversary getaway the year he thought I meant it when I said we didn’t have to exchange Christmas gifts. 😉

    • Nan Dixon says:

      Love that Carrie! Where can I sign my hubby up for this class? Although he has done some pretty darn good Christmas gifts. But that’s because he usually takes one of the twins with him.

  13. Shari says:

    My husband was a paramedic on our first married valentines day, he had to work shift that night. I went out to dinner with my mom and he surprised us at the resturant, he traded his shift. Of course my
    Mom left and we had a wonderful dinner

  14. Oh, Nan. That is so romantic. And sweet. Who could ever top that? I won’t even try. Thank you for sharing!

  15. What a great gift, and memory. 🙂 My hubby is always much better at romantic surprises than me, like the first year we were dating when surprise-ambushed me after college classes with a ride and roses, then took me to the conservatory (where his car died and we had to boost it – he was so embarrassed, but I thought it was cute) then a limo trip out to dinner. The next Valentines he had to top it: so he proposed. 😉

  16. What a fantastic Valentine’s Day surprise and what a beautiful daughter! 🙂

  17. Rachel B says:

    What a wonderful story! My husband and I really don’t do Valentine’s day. At most, we go out to dinner. What I do love, though, are the cards we give to each other, because we always write each other really long letters inside the card, telling each other why we love one another. Those I treasure.

  18. sarah andre says:

    What a fun (and funny) story! We also don’t celebrate VD, he has me on a pedestal every day of the year–I don’t need flowers and chocolates to know that 1 day out of 365. 🙂

  19. Darcy Woods says:

    Oooh, I love this story, Nan! It melts my heart. What a beautiful family you have! 🙂

  20. Chris Taylor says:

    What a fantastic Valentine’s Day story, Nan! And so romantic! Have you ever thought about being a romance author? LOL! Your daughter is beautiful. xx

  21. Connie Saunders says:

    I loved your story and while I have nothing as funny or exciting, I have had wonderfully simple Valentines Days. Money was not always available for dinners, roses or even candy BUT there was always expressions of love.

    • Nan Dixon says:

      Ooh, Thank you for stopping by and letting me know you liked Southern Comforts, Connie! (I hope you signed up for my newsletter so you can find out what date Bess’s story will be published!)
      You are so right. It is the thoughtful expressions of love that matter the most.

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